Every individual has the ability to make changes in daily life. The most possible reason in the contemporary age is mainly due to the rapid development of media technologies. The easy reach of digital applications such as smartphones and tablets will be a common tool to assist changes. Re-creation of arts, which refers to a re-production from a single production, have now emerged. The derivative works re-produced have been recognized by the public, especially by the artists of the original art work. Photos or images, which have been existed for a long time, are found to give inspirations for individuals to create derivative works.

Figure 1: A photo mosaic of Marilyn Monroe.

Photo mosaic is an example of new style of arts. It is re-produced by placing a large number of different images together. A new single picture can then be created with another meaning or even keeping the same meaning from the photos used. Sometimes, as a viewer, I can feel emotionally touched by mosaic photos. The fusion of old and new art presentations has directed a new age of contemporary arts or designs.

Figure 2: ‘Big Mac’. Apple or McDonalds?

Parody is another derivative design method to demonstrate generative approach. From the photo above, re-creation of art works with Apple logo and the vertical intertextuality use of McDonald’s labelled ‘Big Mac’ hamburger has been illustrated. The creative idea with re-generation of new meanings is also found applicable in product advertisement. The emotional stimulation can extend the reach of different types of audience.

Figure 3: Vivid Festival in Sydney.

Figure 3: Vivid Festival in Sydney.

Vivid festival in Sydney demonstrates different dimension of generative concept. The cross technology of tools such as lights, colours, drawings, digital projections of animations and musical instruments has created a new form of arts. Specifically, traditional drawings are being illuminated on Opera House; and the lightening of Sydney Harbour Bridge has also been performed.


Paul, S., (2011), “What are Derivative Works Under Copyright Law?”, LegalZoom,
http://www.legalzoom.com/intellectual-property-rights/copyrights/what-are-derivative-works-under, accessed 5 June 2013

Roos, M., (2013), Vivid Sydney: The Enlightened Piano, [electronic print] Available at: http://smartlightliving.de/vivid-sydney-internationales-licht-spektakel-in-down-under/#prettyPhoto>, accessed 5 June 2013

Silvers, R., (n.d.),  Photo mosaic of Marilyn Monroe, [electronic print] Available at: <http://www.photomosaic.com/>, accessed 5 June 2013

Youhnis, M., (2012), Big Mac, [electronic print] Available at: <http://designyoutrust.com/2012/06/advertising-parody/>, accessed 5 June 2013